Last week, something magical happened. Or two things really.
First, the Tribe team got a chance to work together in person at an offsite in New York. It was three days of digging into our vision for the future of Tribe as a place where all our members can learn, build connections, and do the best work of their lives. We’re a remote team and value all the freedom and flexibility that comes with that, but there’s a certain power that comes with being in the same room.
Which brings us to thing two.
Tribe House NY is now officially open to our members! 🎉 🎉 🎉
For the last two years, we’ve run all our projects and teams remotely and it has been wildly successful. We’re a remote-first, global community and that’s not changing. But the more we talked about what we want our members to get out of Tribe – meaningful work and meaningful relationships– the more we knew a physical space would be one more way to enable that to happen.
On Wednesday night, we threw a party to officially open the space (everyone had to be vaxxed and take a Covid test – safety first). We ate pizza, toasted how lucky we were to be together, and had a few rounds of highly competitive Jenga. We also watched members of Tribe – some of whom had worked together on projects for months – finally get the chance to meet in person and spend hours catching up. And that was true magic.
At Tribe, we want to enable every member of our community to reach their full potential. That pathway might be meaningful work, collaborative learning, or forging deep relationships through shared interests. For us, Tribe House is one more way to help our community access all three.
So what will the future hold? Shared workspace, events, speakers, a place to host our out of town members – tell us what you want to see. But, for now, we want all our members to know there’s a desk and a fully stocked fridge waiting for you in a cozy brownstone in Brooklyn. (Pssst if you’re not part of Tribe yet, you can apply to become a member here.)
Can’t wait to see you at Tribe House soon!